Hi its me...Natalie

If you are new (which you must be if you are reading this...well that and I have like 1 follower) you might want to start at my first post then the rest might make sense...thanks for stopping by.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

would rather be working...am I the only one?

Holidays...inevitable extra days off. I would rather work through them.  Thank GOD I work tomorrow.  I like to be here.  It is my escape from it all.  I leave my house when it is still dark and I don't leave until the sun is either about to set or setting.  I don't even take a lunch.  I can be me here.  Sitting here...right here.  In front of my keyboard.  Typing away to complete strangers or nobody at all. 

I can smoke a pack of cigs if I want...not that I do.  But half a pack that is doable.  I did leave work for a few today, however.  I was gone 6 minutes.  I left to get a few scratch off lotto tickets.  A few high dollar ones.  Blew through 100.00 bucks in less than 10 minutes.  I won 40 so I guess I only blew 60. 

I take my kid with me sometimes to work.  Those days are the worst because I really have no reason to leave work at all.  Sure, go home to my husband...watch him fall asleep on the couch...wake him up for dinner, watch him eat it on the couch, watch him fall back asleep.  Finally wake him up to tell him I am going to bed?  Nahh I would rather stay here.  3 day weekend.  DAMN.  Two of them in a row....double damn!

And my boss will probably insist I leave early tomorrow. 

I know I sound crazy...doesn't everyone WANT to go home and "relax" and spend time with their family? 

well...gonna go try to figure out how to personalize my lil blog thingy now. 

On a good note my weight loss is going great and I actually feel really pretty today.  At least there is that ;)

akward and ordinary - supermodels need not apply
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  1. That doesn't sound like much fun, (except the weight loss part). I hope you can try to enjoy some of the time off even if you just take your son to the movies.

  2. I'm with you; I'd far rather be working. It's very pretty here, but I don't know a soul.
